Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lose Weight by Eating Hot Sauce?

Good Morning Friends,

I've been doing some research and also trying this out for myself. And I would like to say that Hot Sauce CAN help you lose weight..But let me clarify a bit more.

Everyone that has tried to lose weight knows it can be an annoying, stressful, and it feels more like a chore than anything else. A lot of people give up a few weeks after a new diet or when something doesn't give them "drastic" results like it said on the commercial or the magazine article. Here is a quick tip that may help you lose those lbs also may help your overall health. 

When cooking use some hot sauce instead of that sugary BBQ sauce you pour all over it. 

A few benefits of using hot sauce on bland tasting foods:

1. " In an Australian study of men and women, researchers discovered that levels of insulin dropped by thirty two percent after a hot spicy meal." (this well help your burn more fat)

2. When eating hot sauce it can help improve your digestive system..but also too much of it could hurt it. Just don't pour an entire bottle on your eggs in the morning is my suggestion.


4. Hot sauce could actually help battle depression, Every time you eat something hot, you release endorphins.

5. If you have a cold, it could help you feel better because it can clear out your sinuses.

6. Not much research has been done / proven but it may also help lower your blood pressure if it is too high.

7. It is a natural appetite suppressant. By adding some of this magical flavor enhancer to your meals, you will feel much more full and some studies have shown you will eat sometimes 200 less calories while sitting down for a meal. 

8. It makes your thirsty.. I know this is a no brainier but by making it hotter you will then drink more water and this also helps in reducing the amount of calories you ingest. 

9. It can help speed up your metabolism. We all know that your metabolism is what helps you burn those calories so by adding some hot sauce to your meals you can help get that metabolism fire burning!   


Another option you may want to try if you are really battling those nasty food cravings is, whenever you get a craving for a late night snack or you want to grab that doughnut or candy bar just pour a drip or two of hot sauce on your tongue and drink a glass of water. I bet that you will not want to eat it anymore after that. 

Here is proof that this little behavior modification can work. This man has lost over 70lbs. (along with exercise and eating a good diet)

Dr. Spiro Antoniades, an orthopedic surgeon from Mercy Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, came up with the idea to down a shot of hot sauce every time he got a craving for something unhealthy, like doughnuts or cookies. After a while, he had punished himself to the point that those goodies just didn't seem very appetizing anymore. He has actually published a book about his methods. They may be a little far out there for most of us. But believe me when I tell you from my personal experience that I used to HATE hot sauce, but now I don't mind it at all and actually enjoy having it on my foods that I make. 

Let me know if it helps you at all. 

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sneak Peak of the M&B T-Shirt!

Let me know what you think.. This is just the first draft of the design. I think the slogan is a good motto when it comes to working out.