Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tomorrow it Begins

In a few hours I will be starting my 90 day program. I will be up bright and early eating a good breakfast and heading to the gym before 98% of my friends are even out of bed.

Mondays are gonna be "Leg" Days. I'm going to do a 5 day lifting program for at least the first 3 weeks of my 90 days.. Depending on how its going I will either stick with 5 lift days or switch to a 4 day split with super sets. Only reason I may switch to super sets is because its helps you cut fat faster in my opinion. Getting rid of fat and gaining muscle mass is a tricky thing when trying to do it at the same time. Balancing out cardio exercises to lose weight and also lifting heavy weight to gain muscle is hard to do for a lot of people.

 - - - Cardio if done too much can and will burn away your muscle.- - -

My 5 day lifting program is going to look like this.

Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Back
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Arms

Since my primary goal is to lose body fat. I will be doing cardio just about everyday of the week. And after the first week or two I will see how my body reacts to the training and adjust from there.

Be sure to look out for great food recipes that I will be sharing with yal in the near future. 

As everyone should know when reading this BLOG I am no expert in the fitness world and at the current time I do not hold any certifications. All my knowledge is coming from years of research. And if no one remembers how I looked in high school. I went from 280lbs to ultimately 195lbs in about a year total. From going through that I picked up a lot of knowledge and I know a good amount of information about fitness and nutrition.



Tim Tebow

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