Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 1...89 more to go

Greetings everyone,

I am now going to lay out everything that was done today for Day 1 of the "Mind and Body" 90 day program.

Woke up - 6:00am


The goal in this program is to have 5-6 smaller portioned meals throughout your day. Try to space these smaller meals out 2-3 hours apart if you can.  I also want you to be drinking about 1 gallon of water everyday as well.

Meal 1 - Breakfast - 6 egg whites w/ hot sauce for flavor. 1 fish oil supplement. 16 ounces of ice water. (6:30am)

Meal 2 - Post Workout - 2 scoops of Whey Protein mixed with water.  (8:30am)

Meal 3 - 6oz salmon and a few slices of lean sliced turkey breast. Large glass of ice water. (12:00pm)

Meal 4 - 6oz chicken breast w/ my special seasoning and also hot sauce for flavor. Large glass of ice water (4:30pm)

Meal 5 - 1 scoop of whey protein mixed with water. (6:30pm)

Meal 6 - 6oz chicken breast w/ my special seasoning and also hot sauce. 1/3 cup of cottage cheese. Large glass of ice water.

*Important* - I want everyone to try and not eat ANY carbs on their last meal or any at night time. If your main goal is lose fat you do not want to be eating carbs later in the day. Eat most of your carbohydrates in the morning at breakfast. I also want you to try and not eat past 9:00pm if you can (depending on school/work schedule)


Today is Monday so it is going to be a leg workout day.

20 minute fast paced walk from my house to gym.. approximately 1-2 miles (6:50-7:10am)  (good warm up and great way to get your metabolism going)

Squats - Warm up set 1x8-10 reps then 3x10 working sets

Unilateral Leg Extensions - 3x10 working sets (Do one leg at a time (iso))

Stiff-Legged Dead lifts - Warm up set 1x10 then 3x10 working sets

Unilateral Leg Curls - 3x12 working sets (Do one leg at a time (iso))

Reverse Calf Raises - 2x20 working sets

Seated Calf Raises - 2x20 working sets


For this program I am going to start week 1 with doing 20 minutes of medium to high intensity cardio training. This can be the treadmill, elliptical, stair master, hill sprints, jump rope etc..

Each week I plan on increasing the amount of time of cardio, this way my body adjusts and builds up to the intensity. Like next week will be 30 minutes of cardio.

ALWAYS do cardio on non training days or after you lift weights. DO NOT do cardio before you lift. If you do your cardio exercises before you lift you will take all of your energy away and be useless trying to get stronger and better.

Ok im tired of writing and im sure you are getting tired of reading. I may post more later tonight before I go to sleep. Tomorrow is chest day and I am going to be starting some supplements that I picked up today. (IM NOT A BIG FAN OF SUPPLEMENTS BECAUSE I BELIEVE YOU SHOULD GET ALL OF YOUR MAIN NUTRIENTS FROM "REAL FOOD" BUT I AM GOING TO BE USING A FEW THINGS. ILL HAVE A POST ABOUT WHAT IM TAKING SOON)

"Get better everyday"


Did you notice the dumbbell? 

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