Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Food For Thought

So some people have been asking me what I usually eat on a daily basis and they want to know how to maintain their muscle mass while getting rid of fat at the same time. The first answer to that question is to eat all the protein you can get or to simplify you want to try and eat the same amount of grams in protein a day that your body weight is *200lb man eat about 200 grams of protein* while cutting total caloric intake down (BURNING MORE CALORIES THAN YOU ARE EATING)

Here are a few things that I like to make and eat on most days.

100% Whole Wheat Bread made with Organic Flour (not sure why it is sideways)

100% whole wheat bread (same as above picture) FRENCH TOAST! :)

To make this delicious and healthy dish all you need to do is take a few egg whites and even 1 whole egg if you would like and put it in a Tupperware container. Then take a slice of bread and soak it in the egg. Have a skillet or frying pan on the stove set to medium heat. Then take out the bread after soaking both sides with the egg whites and put in in the skillet. Let it toast up some on both sides then sprinkle some Cinnamon on top of both sides. Take out the bread and then if you would like put a small amount of PURE maple syrup on it. Do not go and buy the really sugary stuff that you have probably been eating for years with your eggos.  Then you are done! ENJOY your french toast :) It took about a total of 5 minutes probably even less to make this from start to finish.

If you would like to add some extra protein to your breakfast you can take that egg white mix you made in the Tupperware and pour it into the skillet after making the french toast and you can have some scrambled egg whites or be creative and put some peppers in there and make an omelet out of it. I promise that you will like this dish. 

Grilled Chicken Breast w/ Green Beans 
This is what I usually eat every day. Its simple and I like it. I cook many chicken breasts at one time on the George Foreman grill and then store what I do not need in Tupperware and then just microwave it at a later time. In this picture it has 5-6oz of chicken breast and 1 cup of green beans. I just ate this about an hour ago, and it filled me up. I saved the rest of the green beans in Tupperware and will be eating this same exact thing later on tonight for dinner.

Food Scale - BUY ONE NOW

This is how I measure our everything I eat. Instead of just eating what I "think" might be the right amount of food. I just use this and it quickly tells me how much nutrients I am putting into my body. I strongly suggest you go buy one as soon as possible if you are serious about your fitness goals. This scale only cost me about 7 dollars from Wal Mart. 

These was a few small examples of what I like to cook and eat. Get creative when trying to reach your weight loss goals and I will be taking pictures of other things I do make, but at this time this is all I have. I hope you make some of these things and enjoy them.


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