Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 3 Baby! Day 15!

Good morning guys and gals!

I hope almost all of you are up by now...Cant be sleeping in till noon everyday like we love to do sometimes.

It is already week 3 of the 12 weeks. I hope some of you are starting to see small changes in your overall strength with your lifts, I also hope that you are getting a stronger core because that is the most important muscle group we want to be stronger for our overall health throughout our lives.

Do not be let down if yo do not see any changes in your weight yet. You wont be seeing drastic results till the end of the program. Trust me you probably dont have your six pack by now or any kind of shape just yet that you are looking for but stick with it!! THIS IS A MARATHON NOT A SPRINT TOWARDS A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE AND LOOKING THE WAY YOU WANT TO LOOK.

We are still in the beginning stages of changing our lives and becoming better looking people, healthier people and most important better citizens in our community.

Here is what you should try to do for this beautiful Monday and day 15 of your personal program.

Remember to push yourself!! Be intense on every single lift! And concentrate on the muscle group you are working during that particular lift. Studies have shown if you are thinking about and concentrating on that particular muscle group you are working then you will get a much better lift out of it and work harder on that exercise. LETS GET BETTER EVERY SINGLE DAY PEOPLE. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME..BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT SEE RESULTS IF YOU DO. 

Squats - Warm up set 1x6 and a Working set of 3x10

Unilateral Leg Extensions (each leg) - 3x12

Unilateral Leg Curls (each leg) - 3x12

Leg Presses - 3x12

Seated Calf Raises - 2x20

Glute Machine (each leg) - 3x12 

Thats all! If you are working hard and not being a social butterfly and talking to every hot girl or hot boy in the gym or trying to flex in front of the mirror every 2 seconds then this workout should only take you about 45 minutes. Try to only rest for about 60 seconds in between each set (just enough time to change the weight and  maybe grab a quick drink of water if needed)

Motivation for the Girls - Stick with it !

Now I am introducing a new cardio circuit today to the workout. This can replace your H.I.I.T session you may have had planned or not. Its up to you. This is only HALF of the complete cardio workout so bare with me. Let me just say I did this for the first time today and I worked HARD and it had me begging for a break at the end. Again this is only half of it and later this week we will be doing the entire thing from start to finish. HERE IS PART 1.

INFO: You are going to be doing 5 exercises back to back etc with little to no rest. Let me explain. You are going to do as many repetitions as you can in 40 seconds then you are going to rest for the remainder of 20 seconds equaling a total of 60 seconds (1 minute). Example : 1 exercise - 40 seconds on..20 seconds off. Then go to exercise 2 - 40 seconds on..20 seconds off..and keep going till the entire circuit is complete. You will do the entire circuit 1 time then rest for 2 minutes then repeat the entire circuit. Then you are DONE with Part 1. (We are only doing part 1 of the circuit today to get used to it. Part 2 will be introduced later this week) 

Here We Go:

1) Dumbbell Hang Pull - 40 seconds as many reps as you can then rest for 20 seconds.

2) Offset Dumbbell Reverse Lunge - 40 seconds as many reps as you can then rest for 20 seconds.

3) Single Arm Dumbbell Swing - 40 seconds as many reps as you can then rest for 20 seconds.

4) Thrusters - 40 seconds as many reps as you can then rest for 20 seconds.

5) Single Leg/Single Arm Underhand-Grip Dumbbell Row - 40 seconds as many reps as you can then rest for 20 seconds.

***Do this entire circuit then rest for 2 minutes then repeat the entire circuit again.***

*When you repeat it the 2nd time around, switch arms that you used for exercises 2 , 3 , and 5.*


- Here is an explanation of the 5 exercises if you do not know what I am talking about -

Dumbbell Hang Pull Grab a pair of dumbbells and let them hang at arm’s length in front of your body, your palms facing behind you. Now bend at your hips and knees, and lower the dumbbells until they’re just below knee height. That’s the starting position. Now, in one movement, thrust your hips forward, straighten your knees, and raise up on your toes as you pull the dumbbells as high as you can by bending your elbows and raising your upper arms. Then reverse the movement and repeat.

Offset Dumbbell Reverse Lunge - Stand tall holding a dumbbell in your left hand next to your shoulder, with your arm bent. With your right foot, step backward and lower your body until your back knee almost touches the floor. Push yourself back to the starting position and repeat. On then next round, hold the dumbbell on your other side, and step back with the opposite leg.

Single Arm Dumbbell Swing - Hold a dumbbell at arm’s length in front of your waist, with your knees slightly bent. Without rounding your lower back, bend at your hips and swing the dumbbell between your legs. Keeping your arm straight, thrust your hips forward and swing the dumbbell to shoulder level as you rise to a standing position. Then simply swing the weight back and forth.

Thrusters  - Stand holding a pair of dumbbells next to your shoulders. Push your hips back, then bend your knees and lower your body until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. As you push your body back up from the squat, press the dumbbells above your shoulders until your arms are straight. Then lower the dumbbells back down to your shoulders, and repeat.

Single Leg/Single Arm Underhand-Grip Dumbbell Row - Grab a dumbbell in your right hand, then bend at your hips and place your left hand on a bench in front of you. Raise your right leg so that it’s in line with your upper body. Now let the dumbbell hang straight down from your shoulder, your palm facing forward (an underhand grip). That’s the starting position. (If you prefer, you can use an overhand grip (so your palms would be facing behind you), instead of an underhand grip.Pull the dumbbell to the side of your torso, by raising your upper arm, and bending your elbow. Pause, then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. That’s one rep. On your next round, switch arms and legs.



He performed this circuit at least 3 times a weak.

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