Thursday, February 10, 2011

Arm Superset/Fat Burning Workout (2/10/11)

So I actually let myself sleep in today. Yep I slept all the way to 7:00am .. haha. It was a nice change of pace. I dont know about the rest of you but I am ready for warm weather. Woke up to about an inch of snow in my backyard. Just motivates me more knowing that every day that I am working out in this cold and miserable weather..when it matters most and I want to look my best (summer) I will be ready.

Here is today's workout I want you to do. BE INTENSE PEOPLE! WORK WORK WORK!!

- 1 mile walk to the gym (wasn't very fun with all of the ice on the ground)

- 15 minute fast paced walk on the treadmill to get your body temperature up. I did 3.8mph on 10% incline for 15 minutes. Got a decent sweat going after the walk.



A1 - Standing Hammer Curls 4x8
A2 - Standing Over Head Press 4x8 (Rest 60 Seconds and repeat Set A)

*While resting for 60 seconds in between superset A, do 10 Decline Weighted Crunches. So you will do 4x10 total for Superset A*

Example: 8 Standing Hammer Curls then 8 Standing Over Head Presses then 10 Decline Weighted Crunches then finish resting for your 60 seconds. Then repeat superset A.You will be doing ab work during your rest times today. DO NOT do your A1 set...A2 set..Ab work THEN rest for 60 seconds. YOU ARE DOING ABS DURING YOUR REST TIME. I hope you don't hate me too much :)

B1 - Cable Curls 4x8
B2 - Cable Tricep Press Down - 4x8

*While resting for 60 seconds in between Superset B, drop down and do Planks for 30 seconds. So you will do 4x30 seconds for Superset B*

C1 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 4x8
C2 - Machine Press Down 4x8

*While resting for 60 seconds in between Superset C, do 20 Hanging Knee Raises. So you will do 4x20 Hanging Knee Raises for Superset C*

- - - -This workout is meant to be intense and to keep your heart pumping. You want to burn those fat cells right??? - - -

Also I want you to only rest about 2 minutes in between Superset A,B, and C. Once you finish all 4 supersets of A rest for around 2 minutes and catch your breath then hop right on Superset B. Dont take it easy on yourself. This entire workout only took me 35 minutes!! Was I exhausted - YES..Was I pouring sweat - YES. Did I feel like I got shit done and worked my ass off - YES! Keep up the good work friends, we're all in this together. 

After lifting I did the Elliptical machine for 25 minutes for some cardio work. I wanted to try and take it easy on my joints (KNEES) today since I have been running 3-5 miles a day this whole week.

- 1 mile cooooooooool down walk back home from the gym (haha damn it's cold outside!)

Total Time Spent in the Gym with Warm Up..Workout..Cardio = 75 minutes. A little over the 60 minutes I like to aim for. But I got a lot accomplished today so im not worried and im going to rest my body till tomorrow afternoon instead of going back to the gym 2 times a day like I have for the past week.


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