Sunday, February 13, 2011

Changing things up

It's been about 4 weeks now since I started lifting again and trying to lose that un wanted fat. I think its time to change a few things up. I will now only be lifting 3 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Instead of lifting every single day of the week and doing more exercises then I need to, I will be getting twice as much done in half the time. I would also like to say if you ever see me on a "machine" then I give you permission to bitch slap me haha. BUT 1) I doubt that any of you will be in the gym working your tail off as early as I am in the mornings and 2) I never like using the assisted machines so I don't think any of you will be seeing me use one IF your in the gym as early as I am everyday.

I have noticed a trend the last few weeks at the ODU Rec Center. NO ONE LIKES TO GET UP AND WORK OUT BEFORE 9am ! haha. I see the same people every time I am in there. 1) Some form of military ROTC kids who are forced to be up that early and doing something. 2) the same 2-3 guys I see working out and trying to get better. 3) some professors "sometimes" but not to often. O and 4) this really good looking gal who is always in there doing actual barbell squats and using the kettle balls. Man she is a looker. To bad she usually wears a Phillies t-shirt (one of the teams I despise) haha. GO BRAVES!

I also will be doing a fasted walk at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes before I eat breakfast and THEN do my workout for the day.

Starting tomorrow I will be adding in the cardio workout of "Insanity". I'm sure some of you have seen it on t.v before. It's a 60 day program so I will be doing that 6 days a week for my last 2 months of the 90 day program.

O and here is the kicker......... starting tomorrow I am doing a 30 day NO SUGAR challenge.. BUT I have decided to stick it to the man and add in NO ALCOHOL for the next 30 days. This is going to be tuff for obvious reasons and peer pressures haha. But it's only 30 days so whats the worst that can happen?!?

It's time to "man up" guys and gals. LETS DO THIS!


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