Monday, February 14, 2011

A Day in the Life of Andrew Pruitt

This post is going to be about a typical week day for me and what I do/think about.

5:30am: "It's 5:30 all ready? I feel like I just fell asleep. O well time to get the week started. Here is to a good day. I can do this!"

5:35am: Quick shower to wake myself up. I hate doing anything with ought a good shower in the morning.

5:45am: 6 egg whites and 1/2 of banana for breakfast. Yum Yum

6:00am: Out the door and on my way to the gym. "Man this 1 mile walk isn't to bad today, its going to be a gorgeous day out. O look the sun is rising earlier this week. Must mean spring/summer is almost here."

6:20am: "I see a lot of people out this morning. Must be the nice weather because this is out of the ordinary."

6:45am-8:00am: Workout at the ODU Rec Center

8:00am: "I love the feeling of walking back to my house and seeing people finally getting up and getting to class" "Whoa that girls looks hungover, who parties on a Sunday? haha"

8:25am: Post workout protein shake.

8:45am: Watching episodes of Boy Meets World. Man what a great show back in the day!

9:30-1015am: Sitting outside and enjoying the sun while drinking a big glass of hot green tea and blogging about this morning's workout.

12:00pm: Lunch

1:00-3:00pm: Studying for my big test tomorrow and watching some t.v with the roommates.

3:00pm: Out in the parking lot of the ODU golf course pushing my truck around. While my roommate sits in the truck and holds his foot on the break to give it more resistance. MAN WHAT A WORKOUT!

3:30-4:00pm- Hitting golf balls at the driving range. I really should try and get into golf. I always have a good time when I play.

4:30pm: Snack (rest of the omellete I didn't eat for lunch)

5:00-535pm: Insanity Workout (Day 1) "The Fitness Test" ... I was sweating head to toe after this first day. Just gotta stick with it and I will be seeing results in no time!

5:45pm: Shower Time !

Later I will have dinner at some point.. I'm thinking 4-6 oz of grilled chicken breast with a nice glass of hot green tea to wind the day down.

Studying....Facebook...Maybe a Movie..Then bedtime around 11:00pm.

"What a body is gonna be feeling it tomorrow morning."


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