Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chest and Tricep workout (Day 2 of 12 week program)

Hey guys good morning I hope yal are up and going about your day and living life to the fullest! It's all about attitude !! Even if you are having a bad day, if you change your attitude and the way you look at things; that will ultimately decide how well your day goes.

Today is day 2 of the new lifting program that we have started. This is what I did this morning bright and early.

Low intense cardio for 20 minutes.

**Make sure you are going up in weight every set**

Flat Dumbbell Press :  3 warm up sets of 6-10 reps.  Then do 2 sets to failure, try and get at least 6 - 10 reps on your working sets that go to failure..if you can do 15 or more reps then you need to up your weight a lot.

Incline Flyes : 2 sets to failure (8-10 reps)

Straight Arm Pullover : 2 sets to failure (10-12 reps)

Rope Extension : 3 sets to failure (10-12 reps)

Lying Cable Extension : 3 sets to failure (10-12 reps)

Overhead Dumbbell Extension : 3 sets to failure (10-12 reps)

Low-Medium intense cardio for 20 minutes.

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