Monday, January 24, 2011

My first body transformation story (the real story)

Good morning my friends. I hope at least some of you are up by now its 8:30am. Time to get this beautiful day started if you haven't already. This blog is going to be about my first transformation and how I went from 280lbs to a lean 195lbs. This process was not done overnight and it took A LOT of hard work and effort.

I really went from 280lbs to around 215-220lbs in about 3 to 4 months. (I'm trying to recall this all from memory since this was done my senior year of high school *4 years ago*)

The Story:

I dated the same girl all throughout high school and never cared how I looked because I wasn't really trying to impress anyone else and I was one of if not the laziest person I knew back then. I never worked out and even though I played sports all during high school, I would just b.s my way through workouts and lifting sessions. Never getting any stronger or better..just staying the same strength and getting fatter. Since we were young the only time we could ever do stuff alone would be when we went out to places. So what else do must young couples do..they go out to eat and go to the movies and pretty much do anything outside of their parents home. We ate out like it was no body's business. A few times a week if not more.

Then on my senior year when we could leave to go eat off campus, almost EVERY single day of the week,  We would go to a fast food place for lunch, then come back to my house until our next class. Well my mom worked nights back then and so sometimes she would be up and actually make us lunch. Now even though we just devoured a huge portion of fast food we would feel bad if we didn't eat my mothers cooking. So we would eat 2 lunches! Sometimes this even happened at dinner time. I still remember the one time I was given a  Burger King gift card haha. I hope that never happens to me again.

So my weight sky rocketed through the roof and I quickly became an unhealthy 280lb kid.

Then came my wake up call and this is where my life changed. I was getting a health check up and got some blood work done and I found out that my blood pressure was very very high and my cholesterol was insanely high and if I didn't change what I was doing to my body then the doctor said I was very likely to get diabetes and I was only 17/18 years old at the time. Also me and my girlfriend at the time were.. lets just say a little rocky and we were not going to be together when I went off for my first year of college (she was a year younger than me). So I said to myself do I want to have health problems and have to live the rest of my life worrying about this... do I want to risk dying of a heart attack before im 50 if not younger.. and also do I want to be a college freshman that all the girls would find unattractive and laugh at. So from that moment on I decided I was going to make a change.

Now that is what got me going and the reason I changed. Why cant you make the change, why cant you stand up now , get off your couch and do something about your life?!? There has to be something inside of you that wants to get better and wants to be something. You only get one shot at life, why not make it the most enjoyable kick ass ride you can. And when you look back you can stay damn what a life, I enjoyed every single moment of it till my last breath.

Next post will be about what I did that senior year of high school and that summer before college.

Stay tuned ...


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