Monday, January 24, 2011

My first body transformation story (the real story) - pt.2

Read part 1 to see where I got my motivation to change my life for the better. I hope it can somehow inspire you to start doing something with your life :)

After making the decision to change my life..this is pretty much a good idea of what I did.

I had no knowledge what so ever about working out or eating healthy. So what I did was I went to the store and picked up a copy of Muscle and Fitness. I think the issue was a spring issue in 2006. It talked about supersets and cardio and eating right. So I treated this magazine like my bible, reading it cover to cover multiple times.

Since I was still in high school and had class all day long this is what I did to lose the fat.

I would get up about 6am every day and I would get on a treadmill that we had at our house and do some cardio. My goal was to be able to jog/run a mile without stopping. So at first I would just walk as fast as I could till about 6:30am. Then I would eat egg whites haha thats all I ever ate for breakfast for the longest time.  After a while I couldn't stand to look at an egg. Then I would go to school around 7:20 ish. On some days though I would actually skip my first period and go to the army base ft. eustis and workout till my 2nd or 3rd period was going to start. Around 9am or so.

I would go to the army base because I knew that I wouldn't know anyone there and so I felt less judged and didn't care who I saw there. I would bust ass on a cardio machine for 45-60 min almost every day . I didn't know anything about H.I.I.T at the time and didn't know any other way of doing cardio except for long and hard sessions. On top of that I would use the weight room there and do what I was told to do in that magazine.

Looking back... I dont even remember thinking about working out, it just became apart of my life. It was like a religion to me. It something I just did every single day without thinking twice. It became so routine that it was like eating breakfast everyday or sleeping.. its just something you do. AND I FELL IN LOVE

I didn't notice any changes really to my body till a few weeks in maybe a month or more later. But after i first started seeing the pounds come off I was hooked. I became addicted to working out. I would feel bad if i didn't do something with regards to exercise on any day of the week.

Back to my routine. . . . .  I would take a water bottle with me to school every day and drink it and refill it and just keep drinking and drinking. The only part that I wasn't a fan of was having to pee just about every 30 minutes. Now being in high school this comes out to peeing almost 2 times every class! My teachers weren't to happy with me when I asked to leave class all the time.

After school ended if I didnt workout in the morning at the army base I would head to our small and not to fancy weight room but I did what i could and did a lot of basic compound exercises, your squats, presses, etc..

Then I would play basketball in the gym with the kids who stayed after school and my goal here wasn't to become the next Micheal Jordan but to run full court for 30-60 minutes or more was the ultimate cardio I could get at the time and it worked!

*Now I'm here to tell you that the number 1 way to lose fat is going to be what you eat and what your putting into your body. If you eat crappy every day and go get fast food, even though you make workout you will not see the pounds fall off and if you do it will be a slowwwwww rate.*

I also found that with the support of your friends or family it really will help you. My family saw what I was trying to do and they supported me tremendously, My mom would find new healthy recipes and cook for us and I really loved that . It also inspired her to start eating better and exercising. So think about it, if you can get up and start changing your life for the better maybe you will inspire someone else to do the same thing. To me that was the ultimate prize that made everything I did worth it. Then it became that i wasn't working out for myself but i was working out for my mom. I wanted to show that anyone can do it. You cant just sit around and think about losing weight or think about becoming the next Micheal Jordan or think about getting strait As in school. This has everything to do with your life. If you dont get up and just do it then why are you even on this earth..why are you wasting your time. Im not saying you have to become a body builder or lift weights every day, all im saying is why not become a better person each and every day of your life. Never take a step back always strive to get better in every aspect of your life. Treat people right and they will treat you right. Inspire others to do the right thing and do something positive with their lives and maybe they will do the same for someone else. Stop saying you cant do something. CANT should not be in your dictionary. Like Nike always says..."JUST DO IT". 

What do you have to lose?


With Love


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