Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stretching - - - something you need to know!

Good Morning its 5:30am already. I woke up this morning to pouring rain outside so I decided to continue my daily ritual and get up and eat breakfast but Im not risking getting sick this morning since I have to walk 1-2 miles to the gym and then back again. Its less than 40 degrees outside and raining. Call me soft but I am going to wait it out and try and go later this morning/afternoon.

Now on to something that as until today I was convinced I was right about. But after some research I have found something very interesting about stretching. It actually may not be good for you. Now let me clarify what I mean. Im not saying you shouldn't warm up before working out or playing a sport. I am saying that the stretching that you are doing is probably the wrong kind. It is called static stretching. Something that we have been taught since grade school, the typical hold a position for 20-30 seconds to "Stretch" out your muscles and get them warm and loose.

You should not do this kind of stretching anymore, there have been scientific studies that can prove that doing these stretches can actually weaken the muscles before you workout or play in your game. Some other studies have also said that it can even decrease your strength up to 30%!! Now that is a pretty high number if you ask me. And if your like me you want all the strength you can get for your workout or the game your about to play in.

Try something called "Dynamic Stretching" this kind of stretching not only gets your muscles warmed up and lose but it wont make you lose any strength in the process. Dynamic stretching should be specific towards the activity you are going to be doing. Dynamic stretching involves getting more blood flowing throughout your body because you are moving while stretching and doesn't restrict you to just sit there and hold a muscle while it "Stretches" and gets tight or "loose" as you call it.

Here are a few stretches I want you to start trying instead of what you are doing right now! :)

Strait-Leg March: (hamstrings and glutes)

Kick one leg out in front of you, with your toes flexed toward the sky. Reach your opposite arm up to the upturned toes. Drop the leg and repeat with the opposite limbs. Continue the sequence for at least 6 or 7 reps. Here is a picture.

Strait Legged March

Scorpion: (lower back, hip flexors, glutes)

Lie on your stomach, with your arms outstretched and your feet flexed so that only your toes are touching the ground. Kick your right foot toward your left arm, then kick your left foot toward your right arm. Start SLOWLY and do up to 12 reps. Here is a picture.


Hand Walks: (shoulders, core, hamstrings)

Stand strait with your legs together. Bend over until both hands are flat on the ground. "Walk" with your hands forward until your back is almost extended. Keeping your legs strait, inch your feet towards your hands, then walk your hands forward again. Do about 5-6 reps total. Here is a picture.

Hand Walks
Jumping Jacks: (Full Body)

Stand with your arms at your sides. Be sure your feet are straight and close together. Hold your head straight, but in a comfortable position to avoid strain. Bend your knees. Jump up while spreading your arms and legs at the same time. Lift your arms to your ears and open your feet to a little wider than shoulder width. This should all be done in a fast fluid movement. Clap or touch your hands above your head. As you return from jumping up bring your arms back down to your sides and at the same time bring your feet back together. Continue with as many jumping jack repetitions as you can do. Here is a picture. 

Jumping Jacks

Now there are many different warm up stretches that you can do. These are just a few great starters that you should start doing before you workout. I hope this article helps you and you see better results doing these types of stretches compared to what we have been taught since little league baseball or pee wee football. 

Yours Truly,


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