Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fasted Walking

Lose weight by walking?!?

YEP, thats right.. something that most of us take for granted every single day is actually one of the best things we can do for our health.

If you want to see faster results when trying to lose weight, I would suggest doing a "fasted" walk around 5 days a week. What I mean by a fasted walk is right when you wake up in the morning DO NOT eat anything or take any calories in. Your body is already in a fat burning state and so by doing some form of cardio first thing in the morning your body will target your fat and burn that off.

This is also a good life tip in my personal opinion. Even if this means you must wake up 30 minutes earlier than you usually would before class or work.

Try this routine first thing in the morning at least on the weekdays when most of us have to be up sometime in the morning.

1) Get out of bed bright and early. Do not hit that snooze button 2-3 times and get that extra 10-15 minutes of sleep, you could be losing weight at that very moment.
2) Do one big "Good Morning" stretch .. I think everyone knows what I am referring to here.
3) Drink one LARGE glass of water to get your metabolism started, you are also dehydrated anyways after sleeping for the last 8 hours.. so this is a very important step to your morning routine.
4) NOW GO WALK.. Walk around your neighborhood for around 30 minutes at a good pace. You should get around 2 miles in actually which you don't even notice because your walking. If you are afraid of the cold weather or if it is raining and you have a treadmill in your home/apartment use this instead. Just watch half of last nights Sportcenter then hop off (everyone knows the new ESPN Sportscenter doesn't come on till 9am)
5) While your outside listen to your surroundings , enjoy mother nature. Most times when people are outside , they never pay attention to what is really around them. This is your time to yourself, I think everyone should try and take at least 20 minutes out of every day and just be alone and relax a bit and not worry about anyone but them self. So leave that Ipod at home and just enjoy life and the simple things.
6) Come back home and make a good healthy breakfast. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day ALWAYS. You will start dropping pounds in no time with this morning routine. I PROMISE YOU.

Tip: Grab a TENNIS BALL when you go for your morning walk. Tossing it around and throwing it off walls or just bouncing it up and down will make the walk less boring if you are afraid of being bored; it will also help your hand eye coordination. Hand eye coordination is a very important skill in life that many of us lack. Doing this will help tremendously! You also can squeeze the ball if you are stressed, but I hope your not stressed this early in the day.. YOU JUST WOKE UP! It also could help build hand strength while squeezing the tennis ball.


Stay Thirsty  HEALTHY My Friends,


1 comment:

  1. Andrew, I'm a natural competitive bodybuilder and personal trainer. Walking first thing in the morning before I eat anything is the way I lose body fat when I train for competition. Good article.
