Monday, February 28, 2011

Heavy Chest Day - 2/28/11

As mentioned in the post before this I am going to be lifting 3 days of the week as heavy as I can. Here is what I did today.

Got my body temperature up with a nice warm up.

35 push ups with perfect form to get my chest ready for what im about to put it through.

Barbell Bench Press - 1 warm up set of 5-6 reps then 4x8 working sets (go up in weight each set)

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x8 (go up in weight each set)

Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes - 4x8 (go up in weight each set)

Body Weight Dips - 3x15

Grab one of those big balls you always see someone trying to do 1,000,000 crunches on because they cant figure out why they don't have rock hard abs. (DIET IS EVERYTHING) Then I want you to put your feet on it and balance yourself and do 4x10 "decline" push ups. This may take a moment of practice when trying to find the right balance. Your chest should be torched at this moment because you should have been destroying it through the above exercises. This also will help build your core strength because you have to balance with only your toes on the large ball.

High Knee Raises - 4x20 (after each set, rest for only 30 seconds then do another 20)

Planks 2x2 minutes

This workout only took me about 60 minutes to complete , It shouldn't take you more than 45-60 minutes to complete any workout. Get in the habit that once you hit that hour mark to drop whatever your doing , grab some water and head home. This is VERY important. If you are doing these 1 1/2 hour to 2 hour marathon workouts you are doing nothing positive for your body.

I hope you try this workout next time you head to the gym.


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