Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SuperSet Workouts - Week 4

Alright I'm introducing something new to our regime. They are called supersets. In a nut shell we are going to be preforming 2 exercises back to back with no rest. So 2 sets = 1 superset. We are going to be doing opposite muscle groups as well for the next few weeks. Today we are doing Chest and Back.

Here is the workout I want you to do:

Warm Up with a good walk for 15 minutes to get that body temperature up.

Then stretch it out so we don't have any injuries. Do 30 push ups to get your chest ready for today's workout.

Do each Superset (A,B,C,D) with no rest in between each set. For example - Do A1 then do A2 with no rest then Rest for 60-90 seconds and then do A1 again then A2. NO REST IN BETWEEN SETS. ONLY REST IN BETWEEN SUPERSETS.

A1 - Dips 4x8
A2 - Wide Grip Pull Down - 4x8 (rest 60-90 seconds then repeat SuperSet)

B1 - Flat Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x8
B2 - Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - 4x8 (each arm) (rest 60-90 seconds then repeat SuperSet)

C1 - Decline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x8
C2 - Pull Ups - 4x10 (rest 60-90 seconds then repeat SuperSet)

D1 - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes - 4x8
D2 - Dead Lifts - 4x8 (rest 60-90 seconds then repeat SuperSet)

Hanging Knee Raises - 3x30

Decline Crunches - 3x30

Planks - 2x 1 minute

FINISHED -  Now go home and eat something and fuel the muscles you just tortured.


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