Monday, February 21, 2011

Todays Cardio Workout - 2/21/11

Here is a workout you probably wont be able to complete without taking a few breaks here and there. I'm just gonna be honest and say this will have you pouring sweat after our warm up.

Today is devoted to nothing but cardio so here we go.

This morning I did 20 minutes on the stair master with intervals. Then I did 25 minutes on the elliptical to start my day off.

Here is the REAL workout for you guys.

Perform a  

Jumping jacks
Heisman (jumping side to side)
123 Heisman (moving side to side with 3 fast small steps)
Butt Kicks
High Knees (running in place, with high knees)
Mummy Kicks
Do it 3 times and increase your pace each time you do it. This should be about a total of a 9-10 minute warm up. 

Get some water then do some stretching.

The fun part : 

Do all 15 of these exercises for 15 minutes strait! 

  • Suicide (side to side touching the floor)
  • Switch kicks (exhausting)
  • Wide football sprints
  • Stance Jacks
  • Pedal (two lunges, then sprint, followed by 2 more lunges, etc)
  • Hooks and Jump rope (8 hook punches, several high jumps, 8 punches etc)
  • Power jacks (like jumping jacks, but you go deep in a wide lunge)
  • Level 2 drills (8 push ups followed by 8 run lunges, repeat)
  • Frog Jumps
  • Power Knees (switch every 30 seconds)
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Ski Down (jump side to side as if skiing)
  • Scissor Runs
  • Suicide Jumps (squat down, jump back to a push up, stand up again)
  • Push up jacks (push ups with wide feet)

Now grab a drink of water and stretch so you dont cramp up later :)


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