Thursday, February 3, 2011

Workout for the Day - - - Shoulder/Back

Get a good warm up first thing. Get your body temperature elevated. Stretch out with some nice dynamic stretches for your shoulders and your entire body.

I started this morning with a good brisk "fasted" walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes. At a speed of 3.5 and incline of 8.0. *Tip* when in your life do you EVER walk on perfectly flat ground? The answer is probably not that often. So when you are using the dreaded treadmill up that incline even if its just a little bit. Make yourself work harder..dont take it easy on yourself.

nothing wrong with a little humor to brighten up your day 

Workout :

Dead Lifts - 4x8

Pull Ups - 3x10

Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - 3x8 (each arm)

Standing Military Press - 3x10

Arnold Press - 3x10

Barbell Shrugs - 3x10

Planks - 3x1 minute 

Reverse Crunches - 3x20

Russian Twists - 3x20

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