Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3 with special guest Chris Pryer!

Here is Day 3 of the 90 day life changing plan. My body is definitely feeling it now!

I am really trying to get my sleep schedule on track. My body is used to going to bed after midnight so when I get in bed at 10ish. I usually just lay there. So attempting to get the MUCH needed 8 hours of sleep is turning into about 5-6 if im lucky. Im thinking by next week my body should realize that I am getting up at 5:45am everyday and that isn't going to change lol.


So here is what was done this morning at 6:30 am with my good buddy who decided to join in on this adventure ...the one...the only...Chris Pryer! 

High Knee Raises - 3x20

Decline Crunches with Medicine Ball - 2x20

Medicine Ball Russian Twists - 2x25

Planks - 2x1min

Dead lift - Warm up set 1x6 then 4x8 working sets

Pull ups - 3x10

Wide Grip Pull down - 3x10

Seated Row - 3x10

Hyperextensions 3x12

*This workout took exactly 60 minutes with a good stretch and the warm up sets.* This is what you want to aim for. CUT DOWN ON THE CHIT CHAT LADIES :) 

For Cardiovascular exercise I came up with a plan while I was laying in bed last night (mentioned above). 

We took 2 basketballs and put 1 ball under each basket. Then we took turns sprinting down to one basket, grabbing the basketball jumping up in the air and making the basket then catching the ball and putting it back down on the ground and sprinting to the other basket on the other side of the court and doing the same thing. 

The idea was to do this for 5 strait minutes, wellllll this quickly turned into 2 minutes per set haha. The cardio endurance isn't there just yet. But I guarantee that we will be able to do 5 strait minutes on week 3 of this program. 

**This exercise combines many things - -  Hand eye coordination from picking up the ball and making it in the basket, more explosive power from jumping as high as you can each time you grab the basketball, it also becomes somewhat of a suicide from the sprinting back and forth from one side of the court to the other.** Try it out and let me know what you think and how you feel after a few minutes :)

Thats it for Day 3 folks. Tomorrow is day 4! The first few weeks are the toughest but once you get in the routine of things you will be more confident going to the gym and you will be like me where you cant wait till the next day when you can get back in there. 


I hope you enjoyed reading this.


I'm sure the ladies LOVE his six pack haha

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